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Christmas Night

Writer's picture: sandykayslawsonWritersandykayslawsonWriter

To celebrate this Christmas with you, I wrote a poem. I hope you enjoy it.

"Christmas Night"

by Sandy Kay Slawson

O little town of Bethlehem,

An Inn without a room,

The stable, the stench,

The virgin, and the groom.

The angels proclaim.

Shepherd's bow down,

A great light,

Do not fear.

Great joy and good news,

The Savior, Messiah, Redeemer is here,

Born in the city of David.

A Star leads the way.

Good tidings, goodwill,

To people here and there.

The King Babe,

Wrapped in cloth,

Our gift from God on high,

Lay in a trough,

This dark, cold, silent night.

A baby heard,

A cry breaks the quiet,

Worship each shepherd.

Join those on high.

The angels sing,

They herald prophesies fulfilled.

A Savior is born,

For Calvary's Hill.

Christ Jesus the King.

The Light of the world,

His Light is the brightest.

Glory to God in the Highest.

Word become flesh.

His promises kept,

A virgin mother wept,

God's son a Gift to all mankind,

Joy and peace,

Hope and love,

From this royal babe they do shine.

The light of life,

Comes from the Son.

Jesus the Christ,

The only One.

Born Christmas Night.

The first Christmas of all,

Fully God, fully man,

In a body so small.

Behold the Lamb,

Our sacrifice.

Born to die, died and lived.

Jesus the Christ.

All I am,

To Him I give.

As always, I'm so thankful for you! Have a Happy Monday, a Great Week, a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm taking a break to celebrate with family and friends, but I'll plan to see you all again January 11, 2021, Lord Willing!

May the Lord God bless you and your families with Faith, Hope and Love. In Jesus' Name!

In Christ,






I Appreciate You!!

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