Happy Monday! I'm so glad you came for a visit. As always, if you are a regular supporter, I appreciate you! If you are new, please consider subscribing. It's easy and it helps me on my journey to author and beyond. If you are subscribed, you should have received my May Newsletter. I hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse into my busy, but blessed life.

Did you notice I have a new logo? I'm excited because it belongs to me and I can use it in many ways. Maybe I'll even put it on a t-shirt or something. Ha! It's fun to think about anyway. Underneath my logo, after my name I have, "Christian Historical Romance Fiction and more...". Today, I want to share a little of my "and more" with you.

Every now and then I get a poem stuck in my head and I can't forget it until I get it down on paper. I'm a free verse poet, so don't expect them to read like poems which follow strict rules. I hope you enjoy the two poems I chose to share with you today.
(Disclaimer: The poems below were chosen before the unrest in our Nation we see in regards to the recent death of George Floyd. My heart goes out to his family and my prayers go up for our country. We were all created in the image of the Lord God. God is the Master Artist and He uses many different colors to paint the picture He wants. Every color He chooses to use is beautiful.)
Just Believe by Sandy Kay Slawson
"I could talk to you about fear, you know...the feeling that takes over your mind and body until you are either paralyzed or searching desperately for a way of escape.
I could talk about hate, but to dwell on hate, yours or someone else's, poisons the mind and embitters the heart until you yourself become unlovable.
I could talk about selfishness, how it destroys relationships, marriages and homes.
I could talk about every sin, how it ravages lives, souls, not just ours, but everyone touched by it.
You already know these things, though. The Lord God has written His Law on your hearts, on my heart, but maybe you are in denial or you are in rebellion against the Law Giver, Your Creator. The results are still the same whether you choose to believe or not. The consequences don't change.
But, there is One who died for every sin, for every person who would believe.
You are not good enough. I am not good enough to pay the debt we owe to the Law Giver for breaking His Laws.
But, His Son is, was and always will be. He is Jesus the Christ, our only Help, our only Hope, our only Savior.
Just Believe."

Right Now by Sandy Kay Slawson
"I stand here trying to see tomorrow, but it's unclear, like a thick fog is hiding it from view.
Then I look back, but that door is closed. There is no going back.
All I have is right now. Weighed down with my responsibilities and dreams. I can do something which will propel me forward the next step...
Or...I can stand here. Stagnant. Mediocre. Useless. No. I refuse. Even though I can't see what lies before me, God can and I will trust Him.
Today, right now, I can do whatever He helps me to do, for without Him I can do nothing. So, right now, I believe Jesus wants me to take the next step, trusting that He is with me. Blind faith? Exactly. With Him I can do everything I'm supposed to do. No looking back. No straining to see the future.
Right now, I can do something."

Here is one of my favorite old hymns I was reminded of as I reread my poems. Enjoy.
I'm so glad you were here with me today. I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of my "and more". If you liked my poems, let me know and I may do another post sometime with a couple more. I hope you'll come again next time. Don't forget you are welcome to leave comments, questions and so on here or in one of my forums on my website. If you aren't a site member yet, please consider subscribing. You'll be notified when I post again or send out a newsletter or share some other important news. You will not be spammed. Also, the best compliment you give me is to like and share my posts. The more exposure my site gets, the more people I can reach.

Take Care and stay well! May the Lord God bless you and your family with Faith, Hope and Love in Jesus' Name.
In Christ,