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Writer's picturesandykayslawsonWriter

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Happy Monday and Happy Thanksgiving! I'm glad you've joined me today. As many of you know, I am in the last leg of my race with #nanowrimo2019 to reach 50,000 words before midnight on November 30. In between now and then, I have a house and food to get ready for family for Thanksgiving Day. I think the number is at 23 loved ones, we will be blessed to share our day with. Lots to do. But, I want to take a little time and share some things with you.

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed

Have you noticed over the last several months, maybe more that these words are seen almost everywhere? In just about any store that sells decor or clothing there is a good chance you will see these words all together or separately. I'm not immune, I confess I have a few of those decor items myself.

As I think ahead to Thanksgiving Day, I wonder, are we truly grateful, thankful and blessed?Am I? And if I am, if we are, who are we thankful to, grateful to? Who has done the blessing? I think its important to know. This is what I believe:

I have so many reasons to be thankful and grateful. I have been blessed. I am being blessed and I will be blessed, because of the Lord God's Goodness, Grace and Mercy. Some blessings fall on everyone and some are reserved for us who have believed on the Name of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope this Thanksgiving you will count your blessings and acknowledge the One who truly deserves your gratefulness and thankfulness. If you don't know Jesus, I am an email away. I'd be happy to share more about what I believe with you.


As I mentioned earlier, I have been running the NaNoWriMo race this month and although I can see the finish line, I'm not there yet. This is where I am right now...

I've earned some badges....


I finished the 1st draft of my second novel!!!

Of course I am so excited about that, but I still want to reach my 50,000 word goal. So, I have already started the sequel. Here I go again!

I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving! Remember to give thanks to the One who deserves it all, God the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord. May He bless you with faith, hope and love in Jesus' Name. Amen.

In Christ,



I appreciate your support and I thank God for you!


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