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January Newsletter

Happy New Year! Today let's take a glance back at 2022 and look toward 2023.

January-July 2022

We began The Heir Comes Home series in January and finished in July. The seven part series was well received. If you missed it, you can find all seven parts here.

May Newsletter 2022

The big news in May was that I completed the sequel to my first novel Hope for Charity, Justice for Alethea. Since then I have been editing the manuscript and making good progress.

June Newsletter 2022

The focus was the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference and my connection with several writer friends and a publisher from Iron Stream Media.

August 2022-Ongoing

We began the current series The Backstory, a series about some favorite secondary characters in my upcoming novel Hope for Charity.


E5-Tommy: Brave/Part 2 (To be continued...)

January 2023

So here we are, January 3, 2023. A new year and a new opportunity to grow and work toward our goals and dreams. I wanted to begin this new year with prayer and seeking God's guidance. Here is a video that helped get me in the right frame of mind. Maybe it will help you as well.

One verse I've heard/read many times is at the beginning of the video,

"START THE NEW YEAR WITH GOD | 2023 New Year’s Motivation..." is:

The video of multiple mini sermons inspired me to study this verse further, which started with reading it in context. Here is the whole chapter. I hope you will think/pray about this for yourself as you begin this new year.

I mention this to say that my focus must be God, the Lord and His Righteousness, or everything: goals, dreams, work, effort, will all be in vain. But, if I do seek Him (Jesus Christ) first, then He will add all these things unto me. What things? The things He created me for. I hope you will come along on this journey and see what great things He has in store for us.

I'll leave you with one piece of exciting news. A short story I wrote about my Grandfather's missionary work and submitted for a Guidepost contest was chosen to be part of a compilation book and is set to be launched in April 2023. It will be my first published work and is extremely special since it was written in honor of my beloved grandfather. As I have more information about the launch, I'll let you know.


As I attempt to grow my readership, I realize more and more that it cannot be done without help. Please consider sharing my blog posts regularly. If you aren't a subscriber consider pressing the subscribe button so you don't miss any posts or updates. Again I appreciate your support, and pray you and your families will be blessed this new year with faith, hope, and love. In Jesus' Name.



Kayti Beaman
Jan 04, 2023

I’m super excited to read your short story about Daddy Jay!

Replying to

Thanks!! Can't wait to see it launched in April!!😊

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