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"Hope for Charity"-18th-Century Men's Fashions/Part 2

Hello Friends! This time in The Life and Times of Hope for Charity series, we continue our look at men's fashions in the Georgian/Regency Era of the 18th Century. Today specifically, we will learn more about Cuffs, Banyans, and Cravats (Jabots)!

18th-Century Men's Fashion:

Cuffs and Cravats or Jabots

18th-Century Men's Fashion: Cravat and Cuffs
Cravat and Cuffs

The modern term “mariner’s cuff” (à la marinière) we could just as well call a “slashed cuff” or “cuff in the style of a sailor’ or “sailor’s cuff” or “soldier’s cuff” … It is first seen in the 1730s but becoming more common in the 1750s-1760s on the sleeves of boys & working class men, gentleman, enlisted soldiers & officers. This style of cuff comes in many variations but can make an interesting touch to a man’s jacket or coat.

18th-Century Men's Fashion: Cravat and Cuffs
Cravat and Cuffs

The frilly ruffle that came to make the jabot and cuffs were made of a lace made of mostly white fabric. The lace endings were sewn together to make a decorative design to make it look frilly for both the jabot and cuffs. The jabot came from the ruffly part that was at the top end of a man’s white shirt, and eventually became it’s own piece of neck-wear that it made to be tied around his neck. The cuffs that have these ruffled ends are the cuffs themselves, made at the very end of the sleeves.

Below, find a video of how to tie a cravat in the 18th century. It lasts over ten minutes, but you may get the idea after a few minutes. Am I weird to find this cool?

As you see below, there were many ways to tie a cravat or jabot. The styles varied from the simple to the extravagant. The occasion or the man's particular tastes dictated the styles. And perhaps their own or their valet's skills with the cloth.

18th-Century Men's Fashion: Cravats/Jabots
Cravats/Jabots Knots

18th-Century Men's Fashion:


For at-home wear, a gentleman had a dressing gown, often with a matching waistcoat, and an undress cap or turban. As for breeches, they were not designed especially for this casual ensemble, but rather borrowed from other suits. The dressing gown was cut like a man’s loose coat and usually hung to the floor, though there were also versions that stopped below the knees.


This post has been short and sweet because I have a busy month ahead. Stay tuned and I'll send an update soon. Not subscribed? Press that button below and remedy that problem! 😉

As always, I am so thankful you came. Please join me next month as we research the 18th-century man's shoes!



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Now I know how to tie a cravat!😀😀

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You never know . . . it might come in handy someday. 🤣

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