Sandy's Poetry Sampler

"Just Believe"
by Sandy Kay Slawson
"I could talk to you about fear, you know…the feeling that takes over your mind and body until you are either paralyzed or searching desperately for a way of escape.
I could talk about hate, but to dwell on hate, yours or someone else’s, poisons the mind and embitters the heart until you yourself become unlovable.
I could talk about selfishness, how it destroys relationships, marriages and homes.
I could talk about every sin, how it destroys lives, souls, not just ours, but everyone touched by it.
You already know these things, though. The Lord God has written His law on your hearts, on my heart, but maybe you are in denial or you are in rebellion against the Law Giver, Your Creator. The results are still the same whether you choose to believe or not. The consequences don’t change.
But, there is One who died for every sin, for every person, who would believe.
You are not good enough. I am not good enough to pay the debt we owe to the Law Giver for breaking His laws.
But, His Son is, was and always will be. He is Jesus the Christ, our only Help, our only Hope, our only Savior.
Just Believe."

by Sandy Kay Slawson
Despite my unfortunate design choices here, this oldie still holds true. And I still need the reminder to look forward.

by Sandy Kay Slawson
I don't remember when I wrote this poem, but I know the feelings were real. That's when I write poetry, when I need an outlet for feelings I can't seem to express any other way. Sometimes the feeling is joy, sometimes it's thankfulness, but sometimes it's heart wrenching agony. Many people like to journal their thoughts or emotions. Sometimes I do, but mostly only a poem will do.
"Introverts Unite!"
by Sandy Kay Slawson
I thought I'd insert a little humor here, after that last one. If you are an introvert, I'm sure you understand this one completely. Or this may remind you of an introvert you know. I am an introvert who struggles against my natural inclination. As a writer, it's kind of expected, at least for the non-famous ones. Everybody wants the famous ones to hide away and write, so they can read their next book!